Saturday, January 9, 2010

2010?!: Update on January 9, 2010

The start of 2010 was somewhat similar to the start of 2009, with some key differences. The sense of reflection was the same, yet it seemed so different. When presented with a slideshow of where we have been in the past year, I was amazed. I have been to 17 different countries on three continents in the past year, how many people have done that in their life? I am blessed beyond reason and for no real reason except that I jumped at an opportunity that was presented me. One New Years Eve, we had the same set up as last year, but in an entirely different place. Carousal is a beautiful place; there is little doubt about that. Our time there was an experience that was mostly notable. Christmas and New Years were celebrated with swimming and enjoying the climate instead of trying to keep warm. The island also offered us two basketball games against a younger co-ed team. After the first game, we had a chance to share with them, and KC (from Canada) gave her testimony after I told them about the ship. Some conversations started, and they were welcome to take the bibles we took. We passed out all of them.
It is amazing how much life has changed in a year, and almost it’s crazy to think that five years ago I was a senior in High School. In average lives, I would be into my career, getting married, etc. This reality sometimes creeps upon me from behind and lies to me, telling me that that life is better than this, or I am too old for school. Lately, this has been hard to suppress as it is hard to see the benefits one receives from his current struggles before they are over. So, in my head is a battle between what is happening and what could have been happening, and which one is better. I am glad I came here to experience the world, and surely I won’t leave the same as when I came. I have experienced some of the world, and hope to experience even more of it as I continue here, and to experience a different world when I come home and make the next big choices.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan, I enjoy reading your updates. This is the best time of your life to do what you are doing. Don't worry about being too old for school. I am so glad that you have this blessing right now of being on the ship and sharing the gospel. He will show you what his plans for you for the future and those will be good too.
Leslie Klus

Jennifer D. said...

I agree Ry, I had people in my programs that were well into their sixties! It doesn't matter what age you are to follow your heart. You are getting a better idea of your passions and your talents and how God can use them while you are exploring the world. Sometimes self discovery is necessary before marching forward. Don't waste time fretting about what could have been or what is 'expected' by social norms. Who cares, frankly. Enjoy Aruba. I want lots of pictures.