So the GO! Conference 2008 is officially over tomorrow. Usually at this point in a trip I am headed home, but not this time. It feels a little odd still that I won’t be seeing my forest home again soon or swimming in Lake Huron with my friends. But I won’t, and that means it is time for me to grow up. No more mommy to pack my bags and hold my hand. I talked to a man that had been on the Logos Hope for a few months setting stuff up, and he said “When people first arrive you think that they are all just a bunch of immature punks, but they grow up fast.” I can’t wait to get to the ship and start my work and get accustomed to life there. I can’t wait to go be introduced to the community of people that I will be a part of for the next two years at least. But I can wait to go to training; it is 70 or so of us that will be new to the Logos Hope crammed into a building. All the guys sleep in one room (which is a gym) and we train there in Denmark where everything is expensive. But it’ll be an experience. Most of my time here has been an experience, one that I will already never forget.
Also, I won’t have internet at training for 2 weeks, so this will probably be my last post for a while, but you never know, maybe they are wrong. I will still write blogs, but post them when I get to internet. I also am almost out of clean shirts, and laundry is full tonight. I’m not really sure what to do about that. I did go for a nice little stroll today since it was nice out for once and took some pictures. Those will be posted on my photobucket. That’s all I have to say about that.
you're killin me smalls.
don't they know that you need the Internet? isn't access to the web a human right like clean water and fresh linens?
I think that you should petition the government of Denmark and demand that they step into the 21st century with the rest of the world!
And if that doesn't work sick Barak on 'em!
Hello There Ryan,
I am glad that you are excited to go onboard the ship:) Dave and I have and had read all your blogs....I am kind of slower than Dave. God is such an amazing God. if you will cling to Him more you will surely see more. In Jeremiah 33:3 " Call unto Me and I will show you (or tell you) great and mighty things, which you do not know."
While you re waiting I encourage you to call unto Him more, and soak in yourself in His word. He will never fail you. Even for the deepest things that your heart desire. While we wait upon the Lord there are many things that He will show us (may it be miracles or sustaining experiences) than the time we get His answers.
I also encourage you to guard your heart at all times. Jeremiah 17:9-10 " The heart is more deceitful than all else, and is desperately sick; who can understand it? I, the Lord, search the heart; I test the mind, even to give to each man according to his ways, according to the results of his deeds."
You are being prayed for. Do not be afraid to ask for prayers and help. Try to find faith in everything that you do Bro., your family is who you are living with now, those fellow believers that are so brave to give up their comforts for the sake of God's glory and fame for His kingdom:) We are all proud of you! To God be the Glory!!!!
Agape, Dave and Nonie
I am so sad that I will not hear from you in two weeks, I feel a little lost! I was not to happy to get this news!!!! But you know I love you and I would do your laundry, do you want me to fly over and wash your t-shirts? Know that you are in my mind and prayers all day and most of the night!!!! I love you baby boy!!
Your dad is right, it should just be a human right!!! Boy, with no clean shirts you are going to be smelling a little ripe!!! I look forward to your blogs, the pictures are great, and you sound well. Love you, miss you and praying for you,.
Aunt Kris
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