This week started out pretty good. On Sunday, I had an Experience day that I honestly wasn’t looking forward to. We were to have training at 3 until 5 and then my event didn’t start until 6:45, and it said it was going to go until 10 o’clock! I thought that I’d be getting home really late and I was already very tired. I haven’t been sleeping well since Fire-rounds for some reason, maybe the late schedule, but I think it is deeper than that. Anyways, the event we would be attending was in a Christian school and it was the start to a week of prayer here in Koge. It was a rather short service in Danish, and a short sermon by pastor Toby from a church we know in Koge. After that we went into groups to pray for all sorts of things. We prayed for the city of Koge, the country of Denmark, the Ships’ ministry, the leadership of our home countries, the PSSC, and more. It was a good time to realize how much of an impact our ministry here has made, but also to look to the future. This ministry will touch millions of lives, and it has started far before this ship will sail.
With that being said, I think that Satan is really working against us getting our certificate to sail in the next week or two. We need prayer, and we need it bad. A lot is going wrong and people are stressing out as usual. Please pray that we will be able to get everything in order for the upcoming exam of our ship and that if we fail (again) that we will be patient.
Prayer is what we need, and prayer we took place in. On Monday, we had a day of reflection and prayer. Some people had it off and were charged the task of keeping prayer in their breath and just spending time with God. I participated in the morning as I was awake at 5 am, and went on a run at 6. I talked to God and just felt peaceful and passionate. That didn’t last all day though, as I grew very tired as the day went on. At 4 pm was a time of prayer for the Deck, Engine, and Project departments. This was good as it gave us a chance to unite and pray for each other. I fell asleep at 7:30 that night and didn’t wake until 3:30 am, and I woke up wide awake.
On Tuesday night I got a nice workout as swing dance took its’ toll on my body. I am trying to learn harder moves since I was asked to take it more seriously. This means that soon I will have a partner, and be more involved, and hopefully get decent at it.
Tuesday night was one of the worst nights I have had in a long time as the “plague” struck a blow to me. I was up all night with the worst stomach cramps I have ever had, and when I drank enough water I threw up. All night whenever I would drink too much water (which was only once more) I would puke, so I limited my water intake. The next day I went to the doctors and found out it is what everyone else had, just a bit later. I haven’t worked since then and have been in my bed for three days. Today I will try to emerge from my cave and maybe socialize a little bit.
Please remember to pray for the PSSC!
Swing dancing? That's sweet. Your boat is in the 50's. Official show of the Logos Hope: I Love Lucy. Haha. Good luck with the test broseph.
I hate being Sick! but all that stuff will happen in Gods time and there is really no sense in stressing out about it all, if God really is God...
well so was the plague the flu that went through the boat or the water contamination issue??
You have our prayers, sorry to hear about you getting the plague too. We had a bout of it here too, but not quite as bad as your ships. I won't get as descript as you, though LOL. As your dad said, it is all in God's time and there is a reason for everything. You just have to keep the faith that it is his plan and it IS IN HIS CONTROL. No matter what, satan cannot win. He may delay, but he won't win. Hugs Ryan, Jeanne and family.
Sounds like Montezuma's revenge. I hope you feel better soon. Take care brother.
Sucks being sick, but lots of people here have the usual winter flu...blah!! We will be praying for you. God Bless!! Guard your heart and mind against the evil one! God will always prevail. I HAVE to see a video of you swing dancing!! I just can't picture it. Lots of love!!
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